Lingfield Research Centre

Lingfield & Dormansland Community Centre, 
Lingfield High Street, Surrey, RH7 6AB

 lingfieldresearchcentre 1

The Community Centre has disabled access and facilities.Available at the centre:


The Research Collection & Super Name Index.
Advice from Society members.

A limited selection of items from the Society Bookstall.

Light refreshments 
....and along the High Street are a restaurant, a pub and food shops.

There are now 187 record sets with around 500,000 names. We have many more records that are not yet indexed, especially for the large South London boroughs, so if you have a particular interest in any of these areas please contact me and we will search these records for you.
Gradually, they will be added to the record sets and main index.

All months except
August and December
when it is closed

Research days are:
The second Saturday each month from 10.30am to 4.30pm.

The fourth Wednesday each month, from 10.00am - 2.00pm when the Lingfield Group have a meeting.

Other times
If you want to visit at other times, e.g. on holiday from abroad or other parts of the UK it may be possible to accommodate you given fair notice.
Email the Lingfield research centre manager regarding special arrangements.

The Society's extensive Research Collection is the main feature at the centre and there are computers and fiche viewers which can be used to view some of the material. Use of computers and access to the Internet will be free for personal genealogical research but users will have to pay their own fees to any commercial sites. The Super Name Index is available for use by visitors. 
The Research Collection catalogue is currently being updated following a reorganisation but consists of: 
> The library booklist, items in this list can be loaned out. 
> Guides and sources, items in these lists are not available for loan.
Please contact the research centre by email for further information.

Free research advice will be available to both members and non-members from the Society volunteers, however there will be a £5 charge for the use of research material.

SEARCHES for those who cannot visit Lingfield 
These can be carried out for a fee, payable in advance. The Society makes a minimum charge of £5.00 for all searches. If we have a lot of information for your ‘names’ then a quotation will be sent to you if the fee would be over £5.00. You will receive a full transcript of any records found, the record source and reference where available. 
Please make your cheque payable to ESFHS and send it to:
Search co-ordinator, East Surrey FHS, 1 Rose Cottages, Plaistow Street, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6AU. 
On receipt your enquiry will be dealt with as soon as possible. The research centre opening times are shown above. If there is any delay you will be advised accordingly.
Also see the Super Name Index page.


Some of our dedicated band of researchers working on enquiries.

Lingfield station is on the East Grinstead line from London - train times are available from National Rail enquiries on 08457 484950 or see the Southern Railway or National Railway websites.
The bus stops are by the War Memorial - 75 yards from "Community Centre".
From Oxted or East Grinsdtead - Monday - Friday only
281 From Crawley, Three Bridges, Copthorne - Monday to Saturday
From Selsdon or East Grinsdtead - Monday to Saturday

Other bus services are available - see the Redhill, Horley and East Surrey bus service timetables.


Lingfield Map