The Aberdeen & North-East Scotland FHS
The Aberdeen & North-East Scotland FHS exists to assist and promote the study of genealogy and family history centred on Scotland’s North-East corner: the old counties of Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Banffshire and Morayshire.
Our Research Centre, opened in 1987 and the first of its kind in Scotland, is available for members to use. Non-members may also visit. The Research Centre is staffed by volunteer members who are delighted to help you trace your family tree and advise you how best to go about it. Facilities include WiFi, a large library with 5,500 books, plus journals from other societies worldwide, magazines, ancestor charts and maps, microfilm and microfiche of the IGI (the whole world), and OPRs and 1841–1901 census records for all Scotland.
Regular meetings are held throughout the year, covering many topics of interest to family historians. Meetings are held in Aberdeen, Elgin, Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, and by our groups based in Southern Ontario and in Australia. Most meetings are either online-only or hybrid (online and in person).
Research assistance into North-East Scottish ancestry can be conducted for out-of-area members by Society volunteers, at a nominal charge plus expenses (such as Registrar’s fees, postage, photocopies etc.).