2025 Virtual Talks

February: Tuesday 11 8.00 pm   

Lying Bastards: exploring the impact of illegitimacy on family history research  

Dave Annal

Another popular speaker whose presentation will be relevant to most of us and hopefully might help us knock down a brick wall or two.

Register in advance for this meeting:
Click here to register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

March: Monday 10 10.00 am

The hidden secrets of the 1939 National Register of England & Wales

Linda Hammond

Linda will be revealing the meaning of some of those bits in green ink and other puzzling symbols that may be found in the register.

Register in advance for this meeting:
Click here to register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

April: Tuesday 8 8.00 pm  

Drawing Pedigrees in PowerPoint

Ann Ballard

 If you are not very confident using PowerPoint this talk may be just what you need – and you will have a family tree!

May: Tuesday 13 10.00 am                               

Note: not the usual day for morning sessions.

Find it, File it and Find it Again                                                                        

Jane Lewis

This is an enjoyable approach to keeping all your family history research in some semblance of order, in easy stages.