Oxfordshire FHS is a Registered Charity, Number 275891 and is a member of the Family History Federation.
If you have ancestors from Oxfordshire, then we have the resources to help you. If you live in Oxfordshire and are interested in Family History, even if you don’t have Oxfordshire ancestors then OFHS could still help you.
We hold regular meetings both on Zoom and at Exeter Hall, Kidlington check the events calendar on our website: www.ofhs.uk.
Volunteers from the Society man advisor sessions at the Oxfordshire History Centre and in libraries across Oxfordshire.
Are objectives are:
1. To advance education in family history and genealogy primarily within the post-1974 county of Oxfordshire.
2. To collect, index, co-ordinate, publish and make accessible in the interests of family history and genealogy any relevant document or records relating to the county
3. To promote the preservation of such documents or records.
4. To encourage the study of family history and genealogy
5. To assist educationally by lectures or otherwise in record research
6. To co-operate with family history and other societies with similar interests.