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Quaker Family History Society

The Quaker Family History Society is open to Quakers and non-Quakers who are interested in the history of Quakers in the British Isles. Our aim is to encourage and assist anyone wanting to trace their Quaker ancestors by providing and sharing information via our website, magazine and meetings.

We are a small society whose members are scattered all over the UK and beyond. Not being based in any one place, we don't have regular local meetings, but have traditionally organised two one-day regional meetings in various parts of the UK, plus an AGM in London. During the pandemic we have instead been holding shorter and more frequent Zoom meetings. We have had speakers on subjects such as Quakers in politics, and blogging your family history. We have also had meetings around such things as breaking down brick walls. We intend to continue with these when we resume our regional meetings again.

Our magazine ‘Quaker Connections’ is produced 3 times a year. Our website includes a fantastic wills database, and lots of useful information on tracing Quaker ancestors. We also offer an annual grant to individuals to help with the cost of Quaker family history research.